How Do I Know If My Child Needs a Speech or Language Evaluation?

How do I know if my child needs speech therapy?

While some children develop speech and language skills seemingly early, some do not. This can often lead to frustration for the child, and confusion for the parent, who can’t help but wonder if seeing a speech-language pathologist (SLP), is the right thing to do. The answer may or may not be so clear. Developmental norms […]

“Resetting” Our Perspective on the Benefit of Coordinated Care on Therapy Outcomes

resetting perspectives

My profession as a community-based Speech-Language Pathologist bears many joys. The blessing of being able to positively impact the life of a child is the most rewarding aspect. Inevitably, though like any profession, there are moments of frustration, times when the pressure of “getting the job done” overwhelms, and the feeling that the entire task […]

Pediatric Feeding Disorders: Counteracting the Perfect Storm

pediatric feeding disorders

So many times when parents are sitting with me during an initial consultation to discuss their child’s inability to eat, they will ask the inevitable question, “What do you think caused this?” As humans we all have this inherent need to understand the cause of problems. This is logical, but how do you fix something […]

How to Turn Mealtime Stress into Mealtime Success at the Holidays

mealtime stress

The holidays are a time of joy and excitement, as we enjoy large festive gatherings with family, friends and of course delicious food! For most of us this evokes wonderful sentiments, but for those of us who have a child with feeding difficulties, feelings of anxiety, frustration, and isolation are more likely. Feeding disorders are […]